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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

General Motor's Weight Loss Program - The End of Your Long Search For Weight Loss!

Are you searching for that perfect diet to help you lose that excess weight? Is it becoming exhausting finding only the wrong diets to help you lose the weight you wanted?

The General Motors Diet may be the diet you are looking for!

This specific diet was made for employees of General Motors in the 1980s to hopefully improve their demeanors at work. The way this diet is set up is to cleanse your body of unwanted fats in a week's period of time.

The way it works is by burning more calories than what your body takes in on a daily basis, using foods to help cleanse your body and help it function better.

First of all, you need to make sure that you do not drink alcohol during this cleansing week because it will ruin your diet. Drink 10 glasses of water everyday to help flush out your system.

Day 1, eat only fruits, except bananas, all day.

For More Related Topics Blog: Top Ways To Lose Weight

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